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Why People Love JDate

Icon Shared ValuesShared Values

Find a partner who aligns with your religious practices, from secular to Orthodox

Icon Safety & SecureSafety & Secure

Robust safety measures protect you from scams and ensure a secure online dating experience

Icon Cultural UnderstandingCultural Understanding

Connect over shared traditions, holidays, and experiences unique to Jewish culture

Mazel Tov to Our Successful Matches!

After messaging through Jdate and then talking on the phone and video chatting for several weeks, we decided to meet in person. We had our first date at a restaurant in South Beach. It was a very special day, and we both agreed that there were sparks and that maybe this was the start of something special. We had a lot in common, from a shared military background to our sense of humor, to our family values, and our level of Jewish observance. It turns out that it was the start of what would lead to a beautiful marriage.

Kaitlyn and Brian

Testimonial Location 1 United States, Married February 2024

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Questions & Answers

Why try JDate?

Find that special someone who makes your heart beat faster and shares your values can be challenging. JDate makes it easy. We connect you to an exclusive dating community for Jewish singles looking for meaningful connections and shared cultural experiences.

How does JDate work?
Getting started is fast and easy. Simply register for our free plan or sign up for the Premium plan which offers numerous options for communicating with members and viewing their profiles. Create your profile with plenty of pictures, fun facts that reflect your authentic self, and what you are looking for.
Is JDate safe?
Yes, we take your safety very seriously. We implement robust measures to protect users from scams and ensure a safe online dating experience.
Do Jewish singles often get married after meeting on JDate?
Yes. Everyday, Jewish singles find their Bubbe-approved bashert using JDate. We have more than 20 years of Jewish matchmaking experience. In fact, we’re responsible for more Jewish marriages than all other online dating sites combined!
How can I increase my chances of matching with others?
Complete your profile 100% and add photos that tell others who you are. Join Premium to get more ways to communicate and connect with members.